Awards in Years
2018 – 2023
DR.-ING. JIAWEI SUN Award Barkhausen Prize 2023 for the best dissertation in electrical engineeringprize – the Prize is donated by the Carl Friedrich von Siemens Foundation. The prize is endowed with 2.500€ and will be awarded during this year’s Faculty Day on 3 Nov. 2023. Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology TUD 11/23
M. Sc. Katharina Schmidt, Award of the sponsorship prize of the association „Freunde und Förderer der Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik der TU Dresden e.V.“ (Friends and Sponsors of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the TU Dresden). With this award, the association honours academic staff of the faculty who have distinguished themselves through special commitment. The prize is endowed with 500€ and will be awarded during this year’s Faculty Day on 3 Nov.2023.

Jie Zhang, Theodore Maiman Fellowship of the Scientific Society for Laser Technology , WLT, or her Student work „Quantitative phase imaging in real time by an ultrathin lensless
Microendoscope“ (2 000 Euros), Hanover, 2023
Dipl.-Ing. David Krause, Young Scientist Award of the DGaO for the best diploma thesis in the field of applied optics in Germany „Measurement of the transmission matrix of multimode fibers using neural networks and modern digital holography“, awarded at the Annual Meeting of DGaO-The German Branch of European Optical Society (EOS) in Berlin (Celebrating 100 years DGaO), 06/2023
Prof. Jürgen Czarske
Award Certificate in appreciation for his timely, careful review and checking out many important details for the manuscript of Ligth: Science & Appplications in May 2023. (Springer Nature, CIOMP, COS)
DR.-ING. JIAWEI SUN HONORED WITH THE DR.-ING.SIEGFRIED WERTH FOUNDATION PRIZE at the Chair of Measurement and Sensor Systems Engineering (Czarske Lab), , postdoctoral researcher at the Chair of Measurement and Sensor Systems Engineering, is awarded the prestigious Dr.-Ing. Siegfried Werth Prize for his outstanding dissertation on „Learning-based Three-Dimensional Optical Cell Rotation Tomography and Quantitative Phase Imaging Using Multi-Core Fibers“. Since 1988, the Dr.-Ing. Siegfried Werth Foundation has awarded the prize annually for scientific work in the field of non-contact dimensional metrology. The prize is endowed with 1,500 euros. read more

Picture 1 – from left, Ms. Sun, Dr. Sun, Prof. Czarske, Dr. Schniewind© @mst 2023

Picture 2 – The Award – Dr. Schniewind© @mst 2023

Picture 3 – Dr. Schniewind© @mst 2023

Picture 4 – Dr. Jiawei Sun© @mst 2023

Picture 5 – from left, Dr. Schniewind, Dr. Jiawei Sun© @mst 2023

Picture 6 – from left, Dr Schniewind (Werth Foundation, Gießen), Dr Jiawei Sun (Winner of the Prize for dimensional metrology of Werth Foundation), Prof Czarske (Director of BIOLAS)© @mst 2023

Dr Schniewind (Werth Foundation, Gießen), Dr Jiawei Sun (Winner of the Prize for dimensional metrology of Werth Foundation), Prof Czarske (Director of BIOLAS), Prof Bock (Dean of Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering, School of Engineering, TUD)© @mst 2023
Jiawei Sun, Jiachen Wu, Song Wu, Ruchi Goswami, Salvatore Girardo, Liangcai Cao, Jochen Guck, Nektarios Koukourakis, Juergen Czarske
Certificate of recognition for Quantitative phase imaging through an ultra-thin lensless fiber endoscope as one of the top downloaded papers of Light: Science & Applications in 2022.
Dr. Stefan Rothe, Prize for Measurement and Sensor Technology of the Gisela and Erwin Sick Foundation, Freiburg, for the dissertation: „Exploiting the interference of multimode fibers to achieve information security on the physical layer“, awarded at „TUD Dresden University of Technology“, 04/2023
Jie Zhang, Prize for Measurement and Sensor Technology of the Gisela and Erwin Sick Foundation, Freiburg, for the student thesis (Studienarbeit): „Real-time quantitative phase imaging through an ultra-thin lensless microendoscope“, awarded at „TUD Dresden University of Technology“ , 04/2023
Dipl.-Ing. David Krause,
Dipl.-Ing. David Krause, Young Scientist Award of the Gisela and Erwin Sick Foundation, Freiburg, for the diploma thesis: „Measurement of the transmission matrix of multimode fibers using neural networks and modern digital holography“, awarded at the lecture Measurement Technique, awarded at „TUD Dresden University of Technology“, 04/2023
Jakob Dremel, Best Student Award of TU Dresden, presented by Prof. Ursula
Staudinger, awarded at „TUD Dresden University of Technology“ , 12/2022
Tom Glosemeyer, SPIE Scholarship to cover traveling expenses for San Francisco –
SPIE: The international society for optics and photonics, USA, 12/2022
Stefan Rothe, Karl-Ludwig Besser, Nektarios Koukourakis, Eduard Jorswieck, and Juergen W. Czarske. Best student paper for his talk „Physical layer security for confidential data transmission through multimode fibres“, 25th Congress of International Commission for Optics and 16th International Conference of Optics Within Life Sciences – ICO-25-OWLS-16, 05-09 September 2022, Dresden
Jiawei Sun, N. Koukourakis, R. Kuschmierz, J. W. Czarske. Best paper student price for his talk „Multi-Dimensional Cell Rotation with Multi-Core Fibers and Wavefront Shaping“, 25th Congress of International Commission for Optics and 16th International Conference of Optics Within Life Sciences – ICO-25-OWLS-16, 05-09 September 2022, Dresden
Wenjie Wang, F. Lemke, U. Wallrabe, M. C. Wapler, J. Czarske, N. Koukourakis. Best paper student price for her talk „3D scanning microscopy for zebrafish imaging using adaptive prisms and lenses“, 25th Congress of International Commission for Optics and 16th International Conference of Optics Within Life Sciences – ICO-25-OWLS-16, 05-09 September 2022, Dresden
Prof. Jürgen Czarske
2022 Chandra S Vikram Award in Optical Metrology of SPIE (The international society for optics and photonics, Washington, USA), awarded during the SPIE Conference Optics&Photonics at Marriott Hotel in San Diego, USA, August 2022

Anna-Lena Geppert, Theodore-Maiman-Stipendium 2022 der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Lasertechnik e.V., Juli 2022
Anna-Lena Geppert (Presentation of the prize lecture at the WLT meeting at Fraunhofer IWS Dresden when accepting the Ted Maiman laser scholarship prize of 2 000 Euro)
Dipl.-Ing. Dennis Pohle
DGaO Young Talent Award 2022 for his diploma thesis ”Investigating information security for an optical network using Deep Learning”, 09.06.2022 Pforzheim
Prof. Jürgen Czarske
Fellow of the Institute of Physics (IOP), 23.07.2022

Dipl.-Ing. Tijue Wang
Young talent awards of the Gisela and Erwin Sick Foundation for his diploma thesis „High-resolution Fiber Bundle Imaging Using Deep Learning“, 12.04.2022
Prof. Jürgen Czarske
Award outstanding editor for Light: Advanced Manufacturing in Year 2021, 15.2.2022
Dipl.-Ing. Clemens Bilsing
Hans-Pundt-Prize 2020 for his diploma thesis „Novel laser measurement system with adaptive image correction using helical wavefronts and a deformable mirror“, 10.11.2021
Prof. Jürgen Czarske Elected Vice President of International Commission for Optics, ICO, Umbrella Organization for optics and photonics with over 50 territorial members and 7 organizations, PALAISEAU, Paris, France and Miami, Florida, USA, Oct-1-2021
ress release: Oiger, Unijournal 16/21
Dr. Hannes Radner, Barkhausen Prize of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering, highest award (5000 €) of the faculty for the best dissertation of the year (of approx. 40 dissertations per year), donated by Siemens AG, awarded at „TUD Dresden, 11/2021
Dr. Hannes Radner Faculty Award of the Gisela and Erwin Sick Foundation for his doctor thesis „Adaptive optical wavefront correction using the Fresnel guide star and a hybrid control loop implemented on a field-programmable system-on-chip“, awarded at „TUD Dresden“, 10/2021
Dipl.-Ing. Qian Zhang
Faculty Award of the Gisela and Erwin Sick Foundation for his diploma thesis „Real-time measurement of the transmission matrix of a multimode fiber with a smart detection“, awarded at „TUD Dresden“, 10/2021
Dipl.-Ing. Clemens Bilsing
Young talent awards of the Gisela and Erwin Sick Foundation for his diploma thesis „Novel laser measurement system with adaptive image correction using helical wavefronts and a deformable mirror“, awarded at „TUD Dresden“, 10/2021

Prof. Dr. Christian Kupsch
Franz Stolze Preis 2021 for his Doctor thesis „Ultrasonic imaging method for complex suspension flows in small geometries: Investigation of the zinc-air flow battery“, donation with 1 000 Euro, Berlin/Dresden, 10/2021
With the Dr. Manfred Freimark and Gudrun Stolze donated „Franz Stolze Prize“, the Society of Friends and Supporters of TU Dresden e.V. annually honors excellent scientific theses by students and dissertations of young scientists from TU Dresden in the field of energy technology.
Dipl.-Ing. Zeyu Gao
Best Poster Award for the contribution
Z. Gao, H. Ye, L. Büttner, J. Czarske, P. Yang, “Distortion Correction for Imaging-based Flow Measurement using Multiple-input Deep Learning Model”, poster presentation, International Conference on Computational Imaging (CITA), Hangzhou/China, 24.–26.09.2021
Dipl.-Ing. Clemens Matthias Bilsing
DGaO Young Talent Award 2021 for his diploma thesis with the title „Novel laser measurement system with adaptive image correction using helical wave fronts and a deformable mirror“. The prize of the DGaO (The Germany Society for Applied Optics – The German Branch of European Optical Society) will be awarded in Bremen.
Dennis Pohle,
2nd Prize Winner for the best oral presentation for his presentation tiled „Surveillance of a Multimode Fiber Network using Deep Learning“ on behalf of the OPTO2021 Organizing and Scientific Commitee, 15th July 2021
Prof. Jürgen Czarske,
Fellow Award of Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), London, UK, 7/2021
Prof. Jürgen Czarske,
SPIE Community Champion 2021, awarded by Nelufar Mohajeri, Director of SPIE (The International Society of Optics and Photonics), WA, USA, 5/2021
Dr.-Ing. Hannes Radner,
Dr.-Ing. Siegfried Werth Prize for dimensional metrology, awarding his excellent dissertation „Adaptive optical wavefront correction using the Fresnel guide star and a hybrid control loop implemented on a field-programmable system-on-chip“, May 2021
Dr. Katrin Philipp,
Dr. Wilhelmy-VDE-Prize 2020 for Promotion of Female Engineers. Awarded for the PhD thesis „Investigation of aberration correction and axial scanning in microscopy employing adaptive lenses“ with endowment of 3 500 Euro by Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies (Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik & Informationstechnik e. V., VDE), German National Committee of CIGRE, Frankfurt am Main. With 36,000 members (including 1,300 companies) the VDE is one of the largest technical and scientific associations in Europe, December 2020
Jakob Dremel,
Theodore Maiman-Scholarship of WLT e.V. (Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Lasertechnik, Scientific Society for Laser Technology), December 8th, 2020
Link WLT
Prof. Juergen Czarske,
Co-opted Professor of Physics, Institute of Applied Physics, Faculty of Physics, School of Natural Sciences, TU Dresden, November 2020
Dr. Katrin Philipp,
Heinrich-Barkhausen-Prize of Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering of TU Dresden for her PhD thesis „Investigation of aberration correction and axial scanning in microscopy employing adaptive lenses“. The Heinrich-Barkhausen-Prize is sponsored by the Carl Friedrich von Siemens Foundation and is awarded annually for the best dissertation completed at the Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering in the past year, donation with 2 500 Euro, October 2020
Prof. Juergen Czarske,
Laser Instrumentation Award 2020 of IEEE Photonics Society, New York City, NY, USA (July 2020)
IEEE Photonics Society
Photonics Media
TUD Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
idw Nachrichten
Photonik (Fachzeitschrift für die optischen Technologien)
Jan Grottke,
Friedrich von Klinggräff-Medal 2020 from the Foundation of German Student Corps
Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Stange,
SICK-Prize for Sensor and Measurement Systems 2019 from the Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering of TUD for the diploma thesis “Investigation of an adaptive-optical correction of interface disturbances in flow measurement technique”, June 2020
Sponsored by the Gisela and Erwin Sick Foundation

Dr. Katrin Philipp,
Sick-Prize for Measurement Technique 2019 of TU Dresden for her PhD thesis „Investigation of aberration correction and axial scanning in microscopy employing adaptive lenses“, donation of 5 000 Euro, Donated by Gisela and Erwin Sick Foundation, Freiburg, June 2020.
Dr. Katrin Philipp,
Bertha Benz Prize 2020 for her PhD thesis „Investigation of aberration correction and axial scanning in microscopy employing adaptive lenses“.
The Bertha Benz Prize is an award for female engineering scientists who have achieved social added value with their dissertation. The prize has been awarded by the Daimler and Benz Foundation every year and is endowed with 10,000 euros. It is named after Bertha Benz (1849–1944), who supported the development of her husband Carl Benz with an entrepreneurial and technical pioneering spirit.
IDW News
TUD News
Dipl.-Ing. Benedikt Krug,
Study award 2019 by SEW–EURODRIVE–Stiftung for his diploma thesis „Investigation of Brillouin-elastography for biomedical applications using a pulsed laser”, 2020
Prof. Jürgen Czarske,
was honored with a prize of the SPIE by 2020 SPIE President John Greivenkamp, The University of Arizona (date, January 2020):
“SPIE Community Champion for outstanding volunteerism”.
The SPIE is the International Society for Optics and Photonics, Bellingham, Washington, USA.
Dipl.-Ing. Tilo Stock,
SICK Young Talent Award 2019 for measurement and sensor system technology for his diploma thesis „Robust ultrasound structural imaging through a multimode waveguide using deep learning“, 06.12.2019
Sponsored by the Gisela and Erwin Sick Foundation

Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Rothe,
President of the SPIE Student Chapter TU Dresden, Award of the Friends and Supporters of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering of TU Dresden for his commitment with the chapter. The SPIE is the international society for optics and photonics, 08.11.2019
Dipl.-Ing. Benedikt Krug,
Johannes-Görges-Award 2019 for his diploma thesis “ Untersuchungen zur Brillouin-Elastographie unter Nutzung eines gepulsten Lasers für biomedizinische Anwendungen“, 08.11.2019
Dipl.-Ing. Christian Kupsch
RWB Stephens Prize 2019 for the report C. Kupsch, L. Feierabend, R. Nauber, L. Büttner, J. Czarske „Super‐resolution ultrasound flow imaging of suspensions in narrow channels „, at the International Congress on Ultrasonics, 3 – 6 Sept.2019, Bruges, Belgium
Prof. Jürgen Czarske
Joseph Fraunhofer Award/Robert M. Burley Prize for his promising contributions in the field of computer-based adaptive laser metrology, September 2019
Photonics Media item
IDEX item
Dipl.-Ing. Arne Klaß
Franz Stolze Award 2019 for his diploma thesis „Ultrasonic-based flow imaging of a hot metal melt through a multimode waveguide“, 26.06.2019
Dr. Richard Nauber
SICK-faculty prize 2018 for Sensors and measuring system technology for his Dissertation „Investigation of imaging ultrasonic measurement technology for transient flow processes in magnetohydrodynamics“, 08.04.2019
Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Rothe
SICK-faculty prize 2018 for Sensors and measuring system technology for his diploma thesis „Investigation of Information Security on the Transmission Layer in Multimode Fibre Communication Systems“, 08.04.19
Dipl.-Ing. Benedikt Krug
Hans-Pundt-Preis 2018 of VDE Dresden for his diploma thesis „Investigations on Brillouin elastography using a pulsed laser for biomedical applications“, 06.03.2019
Dipl.-Ing. Elias Scharf
SICK Young Talent Award 2018 for measurement and sensor system technology for his diploma thesis „Construction of a holographic endoscope using coherent fiber bundles with self-calibration“, 28.01.2019
Johannes Stange
SICK Young Talent Awards 2018 for Measurement and Sensor System Technology for his student research project „Design and Testing of an Adapted Controller for a Wavefront Correction System“, 28.01.2019
Dr. Robert Kuschmierz
Siegfried Werth Foundation for his dissertation „Interferometric laser sensors for three-dimensional,in-situ shape measurement of rotating bodies“, 17.10.2018
Dr. Nektarios Koukourakis, Moritz Kreysing, Jürgen Czarske
3rd Best Presentation Award focus on Adaptive OpticsPaper „Wavefront shaping method to focus through mouse skull“, OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress in Orlando, Florida, USA, 27.06.2018
Dr. Lars Büttner, Martin Teich, Hannes Radner, Jürgen Czarske
2nd Best Presentation Award focus on Adaptive OpticsPaper: „Dynamic Adaptive Optical Image Correction for Velocimetry”, OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress in Orlando, Florida, USA, 27.06.2018

Dipl.-Ing. Dirk Schubert
DGaO Young Investigators Award 2017 for his diploma thesis „Investigation of amplitude and phase modulation by coherent fiber bundles“, 25.05.2018, certificate
Dipl.-Ing. Mantvydas Kalibatas
Study Award of the SEW-EURODRIVE-Foundation for his Diploma Thesis „Ultrasonic Imaging with Multimode Waveguides Using Time-Reversal Virtual Arrays“, 03.05.2018
Further information about this can be found here:

Prof. Jürgen Czarske,
Elected Full Member of the Technical Science Class of the Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig.Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig..
Dr.-Ing. Robert Kuschmierz
SICK Measurement Technology Prize 2017 for his dissertation: „Interferometric laser sensors for three-dimensional, in-situ shape measurement of rotating bodies“, 22.02.2018
Dipl.-Ing. Mantvydas Kalibatas
SICK 2017 Subsidy Awards for Sensor Technology and Measuring Systems Technology for its Diploma thesis „Ultrasonic imaging by multimode waveguides using Time Reversal Virtual Arrays“, 22.02.2018
Dipl.-Ing. Dirk Schubert
SICK Young Talent Awards 2017 for Measurement and Sensor System Technology for his diploma thesis „Investigation of Amplitude and Phase Modulation by Coherent Fiber Bundles“, 22.01.2018
Benedikt Krug
SICK Young Talent Awards 2017 for Measurement and Sensor System Technology for his student research project „Phase-Shifting Holography for Adaptive Optics“, 22.01.2018
Dirk Schubert, R. Kuschmierz, J. Czarske,
Best poster award (1st place) for „Pixelation-free light pattern generation through multi-core fibers using digital optical Technologies“, 118. Jahrestagung der DGaO, Dresden, Germany, 06.06.-10.06.2017
Prizes and Awards of the Chair for Measurement and Sensor Technology