The 16th International Conference on Optics Within Life Sciences (OWLS)
International Program Committee Chair of OWLS-16 | Alexander Heisterkamp |
Honorary Chair | Gert von Bally |
General Chair | Juergen Czarske |
Fundraising Committee Chair | Michael Pfeffer |

Covered field of optics, photonics and more
Microscopy, Biomedical Spectroscopy and Advanced Imaging (OWLS-A)
- Spectroscopy and Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Raman Microscopy, Hyperspectral and Multimodal Imaging, Diagnostics of Skin Cancer
- Advanced Imaging and Microscopy in Life Sciences: Superresolution Microscopy, Localization Techniques, Lattice Light Sheet Microscopy, Phase-Contrast Techniques, Quantitative Phase Imaging, Label-Free Biomedical Imaging, Vibrational Spectroscopy, Multimodal Biomedical Imaging, Photoacoustic Microscopy, Aberration Correction, Novel Molecular Probes, Agents and Labels, Big Data Instrumentation, Deep Neural Networks
- Nonlinear Microscopy: Multiphoton Microscopy, CARS-Microscopy, Nonlinear Spectroscopy and Imaging
- Tomographic Imaging: Optical Coherence Tomography, Photoacoustic Methods, Diffuse Spectroscopy and Imaging, Optical Diffraction Tomography
- Clinical and Translational Biophotonics, Therapy, Brain Imaging, Tissue Optics, Tissue Engineering, Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology, Tracking Cancer
Biomechanics, Optical Elastography and BioBrillouin (OWLS-A)
- Optical Trapping, Optical Tweezers and Stretchers, Dynamic Methods for Characterizing Tissue Vibration, Biomechanics in Developmental Biology, Micro-Rheology Measurements, OCT-Based Elastography, Photoacoustics, Cell Biomechanics, Longitudinal Tension Measurement, Mechanochemical Self-Organization, Physics of Life
- In Vivo Elastography and Applications, Confocal Brillouin Microscopy, Spontaneous and Stimulated Brillouin Scattering for Three-Dimensional Mechanical Mapping
Biomedical Optics (OWLS-B)
- Clinical Laser Applications: Lasers in Dentistry, Ophthalmic Technologies, Optical Biopsy/Real-Time Diagnosis, Photo Therapeutics, Laser Tissue/Cell Interactions, Photodynamic Diagnosis and Therapy, Nephrology, Cardiovascular and Intravascular Applications, Cancer Imaging, Modeling of Light Propagation in Tissue, Flow Cytometry
- Guiding Surgery and Biopsy, Ophthalmic Applications, Vision, Imaging and Applications, Laser Systems in Regenerative Medicine
- Light Delivery for In Vivo Applications, Minimal Invasive Monitoring and Stimulation, Endoscopic Imaging, Biomedical Micro-Optical Devices, µLED/OLED Array Based Devices
- New Components and Systems: X-Ray-Microscopy, Imaging, Tomography and Spectroscopy
- HEALTH Aspects: Tele-Medicine, Optical Sensors for Medical Diagnostics, Point-of-Care Diagnostics, Lighting for Health and Amenity, Photonic Diagnosis and Treatment of Infections and Inflammatory Diseases
Biophotonics, Optogenetics and Nanosensing (OWLS-B)
- Neurophotonics, Optogenetics and Manipulation of Cellular Systems, Instrumentation for Optogenetic Stimulation, Functional Imaging, Optically-Controlled Delivery and Gene Expression, Stem Cell Research, Optics and the Brain
- Nanosensing: Nanoparticles for Biophotonic Applications, Colloidal Nanoparticles, Reporters, Markers, Dyes, Nanoparticles, Plasmonics-Based Sensing, Molecular Probes, Targeting with Subcellular Resolution
Appreciation of OWLS
Light has the potential to recognize the origins of diseases, to prevent them, or to cure them early and gently. This is one of the central topics of the International Society Within Life Sciences (OWLS), which was founded at the ICO-15 Congress in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, in 1990. Therefore, the 25th ICO General Congress is held for the first time jointly with the 16th International Conference of the – ICO International Society Member – OWLS and a special commemorative event of the 30 years anniversary of the foundation of OWLS in Germany will be organized.